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 Las Juntas de Agua en Centroamérica


“Si es de uno la necesidad, uno ve que se cuide el sistema y las cosas,  y cuando se dañe ve que se repare rápido, que quede bien y salga barato” 
Dirigente Comunidad Panimaquip, Guatemala

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El planeta Tierra exhibe una actividad que no comparten otros cuerpos del Sistema solar. Si bien la diferencia mas notoria es la vida en su superficie, su atmosfer, su hidrosfera, su litosfera y el propio interior rocoso estan en constante movimiento
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The goals of reducing poverty and building more just and equitable societies underpin a global vision enshrined in 2000, when the UN General Assembly1 adopted the Millennium Development Goals, aimed at creating an environment at the national and global levels that will stimulate economic and social development. The eight goals, signed by 189 nations, include commitments to education, health and environmental sustainability. They call for a global partnership for development, and include a target to “make available the benefits of new technologies, especially information and communications” by working “in co-operation with the private sector.”2
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El cambio climático y el agua


Documento técnico del Grupo Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre Cambio Climático, preparado en respuesta a una petición del Grupo. El material aquí presentado ha sido revisado por expertos y gobiernos, aunque no ha sido considerado por el Grupo respecto a su posible aceptación o aprobación.


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Ecological Assets of Northern Australia Study


This report presents the results of the Ecological Assets of Northern Australia: Scoping, Synthesis and Prioritisation Study. In preparing the report, SKM has undertaken a desktop review of existing ecological research initiatives and water planning processes across northern Australia; a listing of the  key ecological assets types in northern Australia; and a gap analysis to identify poorly understood ecological asset types.

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