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Waterwall Fatboy 650G Rainwater Tanks

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by Scott James in Rainfall/Precipitation
Waterwall is a rainwater storage tank designed to double as both a water storage tank and a garden privacy or protection wall. As they tell the story,  one of the two Australian founders, Mitch, had two pressing needs: Fence off his garden from wallabees and capture rainwater that he could store close to his garden. Solution? Make one contraption for both- and the waterwall was born.
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The Watercone: A Simple, Effective Solar Still

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by Derek Markham in Availability, Drinking Water, Purification, Saltwater, Videos
In many parts of the world, lack of access to clean, potable water is a major issue. Water may be found nearby, but only in a brackish or polluted state. Areas close to the ocean may see miles of water, but not a drop to drink. UNICEF estimates that every day 5000 children die as a result of diarrhea caused by drinking unsafe water. The Watercone could change all of that.
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Floating Waterwheel Could Revolutionize Micro Hydroelectric Power Generation

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by Derek Markham in Blue Energy
A new hydroelectric device, the Hydro Electric Barrel (HEB) could bring renewable power generation as close as the nearest flowing water, making micro hydro a reality for many who live near streams and rivers. The inventors claim it to be both efficient and cost effective, as well as being less intrusive to the environment than other hydroelectric solutions.
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Dos naves chocan contra la luna

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La agencia espacial estadounidense logró, con éxito, hacer impactar este viernes dos artefactos no tripulados contra la Luna, con el propósito de detectar la presencia de agua en el satélite.  Aunque no se pudo captar el resultado de los choques en imágenes en vivo, los funcionarios de la NASA se mostraron satisfechos con el experimento y dijeron que ha sido un "día histórico".  El módulo superior del cohete Atlas, de 2,3 toneladas, fue el primero en colisionar contra un cráter en el polo sur de la Luna, provocando una nube de polvo y escombros en la superficie lunar.

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